GFFE Phase 1 Results Now In  

Posted by Whirly / R00kie in , , , ,

The Phase one results are now in. The full results can be seen here:

The winning genre was:
  • E.E. "Doc" Smith style Space Opera, suggested by Ben Chapman.

The winning aspects were:
  • What tangled webs we weave, suggested by bachelornewtling
  • The Great Library, suggested by bachelornewtling
  • Action yields its own rewards, suggested by Whirly (me)

It was a close run contest - a single vote could have changed either poll.

I will try and get details about the next phases up as soon as possible. In it we need to come up with the three main protagonist groups this settings. As an example in the new Star Wars Trilogy the results would have been something like 'The Republic', "The Seperatists" and "The Sith". I need to work out the groups that make things happen. In the Dresden Files you could argue that the groups could be "The White Council", "The Faye Courts" and "The Black Council" (although this is very open to interpretation - Jim hasn't really let us in on who the true powers are yet).

Anyway, for these powerful groups I'm going to try to kick off a few discussions, because whatever three we pick are going to have to gel together - so the suggestions and poll method wont work.

Then in phase 3 we need to aspect the groups. Each group will get five aspects, but two of these aspects will be on their view of the other groups. So for example if the groups were Tau'ri, Jaffa, and Goa'uld, then the last two Jaffar aspects might be 'Distrustful of Tau'ri' and 'Hateful dependence on Goa'uld'.

Anyway I'll get more details up as soon as I can (but I need to do some actual work now - real life getting in the way)

This entry was posted on Friday, April 11, 2008 at 8:49 am and is filed under , , , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


Hi there! Thanks for your comment regarding Blind Date! I'm thrilled to say that I will be doing it at Losoe Moose again in January....and then at the World Stage Festival in Toronto.

I would LOVE to bring the show to England. I have family there...and if I ever get my act together, I'm eligible for a Brit Passport too! If you know of a company that would be interested in the show...please pass on my contact info to them.

Hope you enjoyed your time with Keith. He's something special!


16 September 2008 at 21:17:00 BST

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